133 research outputs found

    Customising agent based analysis towards analysis of disaster management knowledge

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    © 2016 Dedi Iskandar Inan, Ghassan Beydoun and Simon Opper. In developed countries such as Australia, for recurring disasters (e.g. floods), there are dedicated document repositories of Disaster Management Plans (DISPLANs), and supporting doctrine and processes that are used to prepare organisations and communities for disasters. They are maintained on an ongoing cyclical basis and form a key information source for community education, engagement and awareness programme in the preparation for and mitigation of disasters. DISPLANS, generally in semi-structured text document format, are then accessed and activated during the response and recovery to incidents to coordinate emergency service and community safety actions. However, accessing the appropriate plan and the specific knowledge within the text document from across its conceptual areas in a timely manner and sharing activities between stakeholders requires intimate domain knowledge of the plan contents and its development. This paper describes progress on an ongoing project with NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES) to convert DISPLANs into a collection of knowledge units that can be stored in a unified repository with the goal to form the basis of a future knowledge sharing capability. All Australian emergency services covering a wide range of hazards develop DISPLANs of various structure and intent, in general the plans are created as instances of a template, for example those which are developed centrally by the NSW and Victorian SES’s State planning policies. In this paper, we illustrate how by using selected templates as part of an elaborate agent-based process, we can apply agent-oriented analysis more efficiently to convert extant DISPLANs into a centralised repository. The repository is structured as a layered abstraction according to Meta Object Facility (MOF). The work is illustrated using DISPLANs along the flood-prone Murrumbidgee River in central NSW

    Comparison of Different Methods for Estimating Cardiac Timings: A Comprehensive Multimodal Echocardiography Investigation

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    Cardiac time intervals are important hemodynamic indices and provide information about left ventricular performance. Phonocardiography (PCG), impedance cardiography (ICG), and recently, seismocardiography (SCG) have been unobtrusive methods of choice for detection of cardiac time intervals and have potentials to be integrated into wearable devices. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy and precision of beat-to-beat extraction of cardiac timings from the PCG, ICG and SCG recordings in comparison to multimodal echocardiography (Doppler, TDI, and M-mode) as the gold clinical standard. Recordings were obtained from 86 healthy adults and in total 2,120 cardiac cycles were analyzed. For estimation of the pre-ejection period (PEP), 43% of ICG annotations fell in the corresponding echocardiography ranges while this was 86% for SCG. For estimation of the total systolic time (TST), these numbers were 43, 80, and 90% for ICG, PCG, and SCG, respectively. In summary, SCG and PCG signals provided an acceptable accuracy and precision in estimating cardiac timings, as compared to ICG

    A comparative study of salt tolerance parameters in 11 wild relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Salinity is an abiotic stress that limits both yield and the expansion of agricultural crops to new areas. In the last 20 years our basic understanding of the mechanisms underlying plant tolerance and adaptation to saline environments has greatly improved owing to active development of advanced tools in molecular, genomics, and bioinformatics analyses. However, the full potential of investigative power has not been fully exploited, because the use of halophytes as model systems in plant salt tolerance research is largely neglected. The recent introduction of halophytic Arabidopsis-Relative Model Species (ARMS) has begun to compare and relate several unique genetic resources to the well-developed Arabidopsis model. In a search for candidates to begin to understand, through genetic analyses, the biological bases of salt tolerance, 11 wild relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana were compared: Barbarea verna, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Hirschfeldia incana, Lepidium densiflorum, Malcolmia triloba, Lepidium virginicum, Descurainia pinnata, Sisymbrium officinale, Thellungiella parvula, Thellungiella salsuginea (previously T. halophila), and Thlaspi arvense. Among these species, highly salt-tolerant (L. densiflorum and L. virginicum) and moderately salt-tolerant (M. triloba and H. incana) species were identified. Only T. parvula revealed a true halophytic habitus, comparable to the better studied Thellungiella salsuginea. Major differences in growth, water transport properties, and ion accumulation are observed and discussed to describe the distinctive traits and physiological responses that can now be studied genetically in salt stress research

    Inter- and intra-observer variability in Sonographic measurements of the cross-sectional diameters and area of the umbilical cord and its vessels during pregnancy

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    Background. The purpose of the study was to evaluate inter- and intra-observer variability in sonographic measurements of the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord and the diameters of its vessels in low-risk pregnancies of 12 to 40 weeks of gestation. Methods. A prospective cross sectional study was performed in 221 pregnant women at different gestational ages. Measurements were carried out also by a second observer to evaluate inter-observer variability and repeated once again by the first observer to assess intra-observer variability. The linear correlation between the measurements (Spearman's coefficient of correlation) and their reliability through the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the limits of agreement proposed by Bland and Altman were evaluated. Results. The results showed that inter-observer and intra-observer variability did not show any significant difference between examiners. A good linear correlation between the measurements and reliability was obtained, with values of R, ICC and Cronbach's alpha all above the standard limits. Conclusion. It is possible to conclude that inter- and intra-observer variability in the measurements of the umbilical cord and its vessels was small; their reliability and agreement were good. © 2008 Barbieri et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    The role of renal hypoperfusion in development of renal microcirculatory dysfunction in endotoxemic rats

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    To study the role of renal hypoperfusion in development of renal microcirculatory dysfunction in endotoxemic rats. Rats were randomized into four groups: a sham group (n = 6), a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) group (n = 6), a group in which LPS administration was followed by immediate fluid resuscitation which prevented the drop of renal blood flow (EARLY group) (n = 6), and a group in which LPS administration was followed by delayed (i.e., a 2-h delay) fluid resuscitation (LATE group) (n = 6). Renal blood flow was measured using a transit-time ultrasound flow probe. Microvascular perfusion and oxygenation distributions in the renal cortex were assessed using laser speckle imaging and phosphorimetry, respectively. Interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were measured as markers of systemic inflammation. Furthermore, renal tissue samples were stained for leukocyte infiltration and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in the kidney. LPS infusion worsened both microvascular perfusion and oxygenation distributions. Fluid resuscitation improved perfusion histograms but not oxygenation histograms. Improvement of microvascular perfusion was more pronounced in the EARLY group compared with the LATE group. Serum cytokine levels decreased in the resuscitated groups, with no difference between the EARLY and LATE groups. However, iNOS expression and leukocyte infiltration in glomeruli were lower in the EARLY group compared with the LATE group. In our model, prevention of endotoxemia-induced systemic hypotension by immediate fluid resuscitation (EARLY group) did not prevent systemic inflammatory activation (IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α) but did reduce renal inflammation (iNOS expression and glomerular leukocyte infiltration). However, it could not prevent reduced renal microvascular oxygenatio

    Constipation in Children: Novel Insight Into Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Management

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    Constipation in children is a common health problem affecting 0.7% to 29.6% children across the world. Exact etiology for developing symptoms is not clear in children and the majority is considered to have functional constipation. Alteration of rectal and pelvic floor function through the brain-gut axis seems to play a crucial role in the etiology. The diagnosis is often a symptom-based clinical process. Recently developed Rome III diagnostic criteria looks promising, both in clinical and research fields. Laboratory investigations such as barium enema, colonoscopy, anorectal manometry and colonic transit studies are rarely indicated except in those who do not respond to standard management. Treatment of childhood constipation involves several facets including education and demystification, toilet training, rational use of laxatives for disimpaction and maintenance and regular follow-up. Surgical options should be considered only when medical therapy fails in long standing constipation. Since most of the management strategies of childhood constipation are not evidence-based, high-quality randomized controlled trials are required to assess the efficacy of currently available or newly emerging therapeutic options. Contrary to the common belief that children outgrow constipation as they grow up, a sizable percentage continue to have symptoms beyond puberty

    Impact of food processing and detoxification treatments on mycotoxin contamination

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    Disaster Knowledge Management Analysis Framework Utilizing Agent-Based Models: Design Science Research Approach

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    © 2018 The Authors. Disaster Management (DM) knowledge has long been acknowledged as playing a significant role in reducing the impact caused by disasters. It helps people at the decision-making level to produce contextual decisions, as they are produced from the interaction of the involved social entities and their experiences and those who are on the ground to appropriately react towards the disaster. While it is seen as critical the DM activities, its adoption is still challenging due to its complex structure and availability. This paper employs the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology in Information System (IS) research to develop and validate a knowledge transfer analysis framework to unify access to semi-structured DISPLANs (Disaster Management Plans) through a unified repository. In the development, Agent-Based Models (ABMs) are used to code the DISPLANs to enable their transfer into a repository. The Meta Object Facility (MOF) Metamodeling Framework is then used to create a repository that is ready for storing the content of ABMs. This developed framework is then validated using a real case study of the flood DISPLAN of the State Emergency Service (SES) the State of Victoria, Australia. At the end, this paper contributes to: (1) a validated knowledge transfer analysis framework supporting DM resilience endeavors; (2) demonstrate the DSR methodology as a frame for IS research

    Agent-Based Knowledge Analysis Framework in Disaster Management

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Disaster Management (DM) is a complex set of interrelated activities. The activities are often knowledge-intensive and time sensitive. Timely sharing of the required knowledge is critical for DM. For recurring disasters (e.g. floods), developed countries tend to have dedicated document repositories of Disaster Management Plans (DISPLANs) that can be accessed as needs arise. However, accessing the appropriate plan in a timely manner, and sharing activities between plans, often requires significant domain knowledge and intimate understanding of the plans in the first place. This paper introduces an Agent-Based (AB) knowledge analysis method to convert DISPLANs into a collection of knowledge units that can be stored into a unified repository. The repository of DM actions then enables the mixing and matching of knowledge between different plans. The repository is structured as a layered abstraction according to Meta Object Facility (MOF). We use the flood DISPLANs plans used by SES (State Emergency Service), an authoritative DM agency in New South Wales (NSW) State of Australia (hereinafter referred to as SES NSW) to illustrate and give a preliminary validation of the approach. It is illustrated by using displans along the flood-prone Murrumbidgee river in central NSW
